Launch your rave-worthy group program and get more engagement, results, glowing testimonials and referrals than ever before!

THIS IS Rave Results

Run your group program with ease, enjoyment and engagement like never before, (then access Rave Results for a whole year)

Launch with confidence, to an audience that will soon be raving about their results

Plan your group program to make it truly transformational for everyone who passes through your digital doors 



Take the Group Program Vibe Check to determine which elements to work on first

Re-imagining your exisiting program or launching a new one?
welcome to the party!



*Can you really launch in under 90 days? Yes! Some of my students have done so in as little as 2 weeks. But Rave Results allows you to pace the process however works for you. 

And if they’re stepping off your dancefloor early, they’re not going to be bringing anyone else to the party either. It’s time to learn how to keep them smiling until those end-of-the-night lights come on!

You’re already amazing at what you do and know what your students need. But you want to go beyond selling, to create a group offer that is truly engaging and will have them shouting about you above the noise.

Better engagement - More Results - Happier students - Retention and referrals like never before 

Did you know that up to 80% of your students won't achieve the outcome of your program?

Whether you’re running your group program or about to launch a new offer, running your program doesn’t have to feel like this…

Like your people are getting lost in the overcrowded curriculum and they aren't doing the work

Like getting your students to see the transformation through is impossible

Like you resent the work you’re putting in, since it’s just not getting you or your students the results you feel it should

Like running your program is more dance-floor emptier than dance-floor filler

You’re building a reputation for being the best in your niche or industry

Your students don’t just love your program, but they send new students your way too

Become a Raver and get results like
never before

You feel like you’ve gained access to an afterparty with Kate Moss: Running your program is actually fun!

Your program has the kind of buzzy engagement that the perfect party has

Raving testimonials and referrals. On repeat.

Students taught online  AND A ‘TOP-OF-MY-NICHE’ REPUTATION






Engagement rate











Let me teach you how I got:


I know my programmes are so much easier to digest, the user experience is next level, student engagement is way up, and that is 100% reflected in not only my completion rate, but the quality of the results students get.

Working with Vix has revolutionised how I show up and structure my courses and programmes, and there has been a HUGE difference in the results I'm seeing from my students. Before Vix's insight and wisdom, I was definitely guilty of over-stuffing my courses with information, making them tricky to get through and resulting in overwhelm (for both me and my clients). The motto throughout working with Vix has been "easy for them, easy for me", and that's definitely a wish that's come true!

Rachel w

and some of the concepts you'll learn...

Start structuring your live or pre-recorded lessons for impact! And get ready to see those “OMG this is SO GOOD!” stories come rolling in as your students work through them. 

Concept four

Interactive Lessons

Concept three

Nail teaching what your students actually need to learn, instead of over-stuffing with content they simply won’t use and information they can’t engage with. 

Concept two

The R.E.S.U.L.T.S Curriculum

As soon as you enrol, start refining your program promise, submit it for feedback and understand the core transformation you’re offering in your soon-to-be rave-worthy program. 

Concept one

Day 1 Perfect Promise

Create space and scalability, by learning how to structure the elements of your group offer. Whether it’s your coachings calls or community, teaching will feel great for you and excitingly unmissable for your students. 

Concept Five

Synch and Asynch Support

Facilitate transformation and get your students to take consistent, impactful action. Implementing other components of rave-worthy group programs will make you stand out from every other offer in your industry. 

Concept Six

Motivational Milestones

Allow me to introduce...

Learning Psychology

Learn how and why your students aren’t completing your program. Then, more importantly, learn how to re-engage and re-motivate them so that you’ve done everything you can to facilitate rave results. 

You'll access:


Our curriculum will walk you through everything you need to know to boost engagement, improve retention and skyrocket referrals. Whether you prefer to read course materials, watch video lessons or listen to a private podcast, get the results you want, no matter your learning style.  

And all at a pace that suits you!

You’ll gain access to this revolutionary program for a full 12 months

Did someone say unmissable?

Ready to get started?


Submit your Curriculum and Lesson Plans for review and get feedback within 48 hours.

That means no more wasting time creating, recording and sharing materials that your students simply don't use. Just content you’re confident in, that’s actionable, engaging and transformational. 



Weekly coaching calls will support you through the design, launch and delivery of your rave-worthy program in a community like no other.

Too busy or not a fan of live calls? Our Slack channel has got you covered. Ask questions or submit your materials for review 24/7. 

(Our calls are Wednesdays 4pm BST/GMT)





Seen an increase in student results, feedback and testimonials? Of course you have!

Now it’s time to head to the DJ Booth: A VIP area of the program with bonus trainings on scaling your group offer and getting rave results for your next 10, 100 or 1000 clients. 

Online Learning Expert, here to help you get Rave Results with your Group Offer. 

Over the years, I’ve learned exactly how to keep students engaged, having worked with over 7,000 of them online.

And now I teach course creators and group program leaders how to engage their students too. More than 350 of them, if we’re counting…

That’s before you include the hundreds of primary-aged students I taught back when I was a teacher. Let me tell you: Keeping a class of 30+ eight-year olds engaged with topics like pictograms and bar charts is no easy feat. But it certainly taught me a thing or two about meeting learning objectives, whilst also avoiding a sea of yawning faces!

Hi, I'm Vix.

Online Learning Expert here to help you get Rave Results with your Group Program.

I've engaged over 7000 students online and helped over 350+ course creators and group program leaders to engage their students too.

I’m getting better results, testimonials and even weekly screenshots from my students who are bursting to share their wins with me!

I’ve went from chasing and checking in on my students to them messaging me first because they’re so ecstatic with their results from an online PROGRAM. 

I couldn’t recommend working with Vix highly enough, she’s the very best to work with and has truly changed how I teach, sell and deliver - helping me work towards becoming known as the expert in my field


- Iris


 Creating a niche puts my brain into a fuzz at times and your one traveller, one plane exercise has got me far more clear on WHO my program is for.

 I feel because you are so clear I got that even through the teaching but the promise GPT is my new best friend in terms of me getting more clarity on my ideal client, and making my program tighter in terms of the offer.

Having a tangible takeaway and clearly defined Success Criteria has been a real game-changer for me because I'll be able to redesign my course SPECIFICALLY to help my students fulfil those criteria...

which not only makes it more simple for both of us but really helps with the anxiety and imposter syndrome I was dealing with before.

It really helped me to see where that overwhelm had been coming from for students and, in hindsight, I had been doing them a disservice by trying to take them from A to Z. 

As a result I've been able to shave my course down to about half the size so far and have a much clearer focus for my future students.

 I've been working on my curriculum today and have had so many ideas just pour out of me. Feel like I'm having mini AHA moments all the time. It's like years of developing coaching method are turning into something tangible for me to teach.

Your content is SO engaging and I love how personable you are but also boundaried - I'm like don't mess with the niche Vix. You offer really clear, actionable feedback that has already got me tweaking and changing up.

Your course is CLEAR, with actionable steps.

I'll also add that this entire process will not only make the creation and delivery of the program more simple, but it will make my messaging infinitely clearer too.

A huge surprise bonus I'll be taking away from Rave Results, considering it's such a course-focused program!



- Alexa



You will have 12 months to access 
The curriculum, coaching and community

As well as the opportunity to go VIP and access additional trainings in The DJ Booth 

But you’ll be supported to launch or re-launch in less than 90 days!

£1.5k (approx $2k USD)

1 Payment of

£375 x 4
(approx $500 USD)

4 Payments of

Monthly Plan

Secure your spot AT THE RAVE

Ready to have tons of clients Rave, Refer and Retain?

Pay in full

Enroll now!

Since working with Vix, I’ve never had such high engagement in any of my programs. It used to feel like getting feedback from people, let alone testimonials was like getting blood from a stone, but now they all come to me almost daily. I’ve got screenshots upon screenshots of testimonials, competition rates are insane, and the RESULTS that my students are getting speak for themselves. I’ve never been prouder of my courses and programs, and its so much thanks to Vix and all of her incredible help.

What it means to get Rave Results:

Hear from my raving students

This is not your first rodeo - you've launched group offers, courses and/or digital products before and you want your next group offer to be the best one yet!

Rave Results is for you whether you’re relaunching your signature group offer right now, in between launches, currently delivering your group offer OR designing a new group offer and you want it to be your best offer ever.

You’ll get Rave Results in Rave Results if you’re no stranger to launching, have an established audience that has bought and will buy from you and you have all your course material creation shiz sorted out already - this is not a beginner course creation or launching program.

You can work your way through the curriculum at your own pace (via videos, written materials or a Private Podcast) and be supported to implement your work through; weekly group coaching calls, a Daily Slack Channel, a review system and my VixBots which have been trained on my brain and can answer all your quick Qs!

Doors open again on May 22nd. Once you’ve enrolled, you’ll have immediate access to the materials (for a ‘lifetime’) and the coaching and community support for 12 months.

If after 12 months, you’d like to continue accessing the support within the program, you’ll be invited to continue.

When you review Rave Results, sharing how it’s helped you increase the results in your program - you’ll get an automatic invite into the DJ Booth, the secret vault of additional high-level trainings and materials.

You’ll also be invited to apply for certification which is included in your program investment!

You can access support inside Slack and get coaching on anything you need within the program, without having to attend a live call! You can also pre-submit your Qs that I will answer on the live calls and then watch the replay back or listen to it via our Private Podcast

Please ensure that you understand what you're buying and what you'll learn before purchasing. If you're not sure if it's for you, shoot me a DM at @vixmeldrew. Please read the Refund Policy for further details.

Select your question and scroll down to see the answer!

frequently asked Questions